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***PLEASE NOTE AeroTrack has been replaced by AeroTrack Online ***

AeroTrack is an economical software system designed for smaller flight operation or corporate operator for accurately logging your crewmembers flight time, duty time, currency, medicals and training requirements. 


Crew and Aircraft Record

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The Aircraft Record stores aircraft types and registrations. When flights are entered on the crew record and crewmembers are assigned to the flights, the system uses the information from the aircraft record to track crewmember type currency.

Crew Tracking - Flight and Duty Time

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The origin, destination, departure time, arrival time and aircraft are entered on the flight record. Night takeoff and landing checkboxes are selected if they apply. Crewmembers are assigned to the flights in the "Crew Log Details" section of the form for flight time and currency tracking. The "Duty Record" provides a concise form to assign the crewmembers duty periods by selecting the crewmember, then entering the start and stop time/date of the each duty period.

If a flight or duty period crew violation is identified, a warning will appear if a crew conflict or maximum flight / duty time has been exceeded or if a medical expiry date and training due date is reached.


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Company requirements for warnings based on the Federal Aviation Regulation or Canadian Aviation Regulation requirements. The maximum values in the flight time fields are adjustable if your operational specifications differ from the FAA or CAR flight time maximums.  The data entry warning selector that can be set from 50% to 100% of the maximum flight hours to provide a warning prior to the crewmembers maximum flight hours being reached. Values for your  maximum duty and rest periods are also adjustable.

Reports and Summaries

The key to efficiently managing your operation is having your information available on demand.  AeroTrack feature aircraft and crew reports in various formats for the activity of a specific aircraft or crewmember and date range. Reports include crew duty summaries, training reports, regulatory reports.  

Technical Requirements

  • PC Pentium 300MHz or faster.

  • Microsoft Windows® 95/98, NT, 2000, ME, XP, Vista (English Language settings)

  • 800 x 600 Resolution.

  • 128Mb RAM.

  •  60Mb Free disk space for install.

  •  (AeroWeb Only) Client Server Applications -  NT, 2000, 2003 Server. Client / Server requirements and security will vary, Aero Tec will consult on your particular network setup.

Contact us for a video demonstration of AeroTrack

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Aero Tec Software 2010